Louise Kemper
Baltimore, MD

Louise Kemper

Travel Advisor

My passion for travel was ignited when I was a buyer for a local department store. I was 25, and my husband joined me for a buying trip to Paris, our first trip to Europe. We flew on TWA, and in the taxi from the airport to the Hotel Crillon, I saw the Eiffel Tower, for me the symbol of Paris. At that moment my worldview changed,and I have never been the same.

Since that time I have been lucky enough to have more of these

"defining moments", both large and small; opening the hotel room curtains to glimpse Hong Kong harbor for the first time,standing on the steps of the Peterhof in St. Petersburg, witnessing the most beautiful blue sky in Antarctica, enjoying a fairytale bush dinner in Africa, to name a few.

As your travel advisor, it is my mission to work with you in a collaborative effort in order for you to experience such moments.


United States-All, Australia, Chile, New Zealand, Antarctica, Ecuador, France, Italy, Panama, South Africa